Our Missions


Meet Our Missionary, Fred Wynn

Fred J. Wynn, Executive Director of WMA, provides leadership for the mission team that ministers at home and across the continent of Asia. A native of Indiana, Fred grew up in the Indianapolis area. He has been preaching the gospel since his junior year of high school. Thankful for his Pentecostal heritage and two great pastors in his young life that guided him: Tinsley Rector and Perry Fouts.

After high school, Fred enrolled at Free Gospel Bible Institute in Export, Pennsylvania. It was there Fred gained even more direction of ministry for his life and met his lovely wife, Kimberlin. They were married July 3, 1988 and after 27 years of marriage they have two daughters and three grandchildren.

After being in the ministry for 30 years, he has a real passion for preaching and ministry for Christ in the world. For the past 12 years he has traveled nationally and internationally evangelizing the nations. Now even more than ever believing that a man can be "Holy Ghost filled and led by the Spirit".



WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY FOR WMA! The 5th Annual BBQ Fundraiser....2024 was a huge success! We'd like to thank our church members for being so dedicated and working this event all day long. Also to Smok'n Crew BBQ for opening up their lot & facilities for this event! A HUGE thank you to the wonderful people at Pumped Up Fun for bringing the fun bounce house for all the kiddos to enjoy. It was a blessing! We'd also like to thank our Rib Tournament Contestants (pictured below)! Congratulations to Carl D. for taking 1st place! And lastly, thank you to the community & fellow churches for coming out and supporting World Missions To Asia. We could not have raised what we did without you! We are currently around $12,000 for this event! Praise GOD


“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

- Psalm 100:4-5