Meet our Pastors

For by grace you have been saved through faith.” What powerful words the apostle Paul wrote to the church of Ephesus. Words that we live by and stand on still today. I learned many years ago that I could never be good enough to achieve the holiness of God in myself. His grace is amazing. I invite you to come as you are. Don’t try to clean up your life and then serve Christ. Give your heart to Christ and he will clean up your life. I look forward to meeting you on Sunday!

Pastor Joe McGill

Senior Pastor Joe McGill

Interview with the pastor

Wanna know some fun facts about Senior Pastor, Joe McGill? Watch as Pastor Joe interviews himself about his life, his ministry and our church.

Pastor Tony Cannon became WNWYC’s Pastor Emeritus (Bishop) in the Fall of 2020. Pastor Cannon has dedicated the last 40 years of his life to building & encouraging the congregation of West Newton. He was the second Senior Pastor and the very first Pastor Emeritus. His famous quote, “We’re going from Good to Great!” inspired the building remodels and additions made to WNWYC. We now have three full functioning buildings that serve as our Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall & Children’s Ministries area.

Pastor Tony had a vision of what he wanted West Newton to be and with the help of his family and congregation - he accomplished what he set out to do. He built a family worship center that welcomed everyone who walked through the doors like they were family.

To look up the definition of Tony Cannon would bring you to an endless list of amazing attributes - but the most prominent one… An Encourager. 

West Newton is blessed to have Pastor Tony as an advisor, leader and active member in our congregation. The foundation he laid has held strong and allowed West Newton to become what we are today - A Bible believing, Truth Teaching, Encouraging place of Worship for all ages.


Bishop Tony Cannon

From the Bishop’s Desk

Read Bishop Tony Cannon’s weekly blog about life, God, etc.