Friends, haven’t you any fish?

ou ever have the feeling and that could be all it is unless it's a revelation from God...but a feeling? Yes I have too but we do not serve by our feelings. For it is by faith through Jesus Christ we are saved. The message this morning takes us to a place in Galilee, near the place where Jesus fed the five-thousand another meal of bread and fish. Seven of the disciples were together—just kind of hanging out, you know chillin sorta. Jesus had been crucified, He had been Resurrected and He had already appeared to these men, but there was still some unfinished business. AND brothers and sisters there is STILL some unfinished business for the congregation of WNWYC. WE have a ministry to do, all of us so why are we just chillin? And, basically Peter says to the other six men: “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going fishing.” I've had enough of this just sitting around and not being about HIS business like we should. His friends say: “We’ll go with you.’ So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.” NOTHING is what they caught!! They fished all night, but nothing is caught in their nets. It is very interesting to note that in the Bible, the disciples, professional fishermen, never catch a single fish NOTHING!

Not a perch.

Not a minnow.

Not a guppy.

Not a turtle.


So they are fishing all night, without any success and a hint of light starts to sliver on the horizon. Some dude standing on the beach has a fire going. You know some fires can be inviting but all fires will get your attention. We know the dude, he's been seen around the town doing some crazy stuff. BUT the DI's don't recognize him, at least at first light. They are tired, they are grumpy, they are discouraged, they are ready to give up, they are wandering what in the world is this guy doing so early in the morning. Yes WE know the guy but they don’t. “He called out to them, ‘Friends, haven’t you any fish?’” Bring em ashore I got a fire started, got some olive oil, and cast iron skillet, picked up some "fish fry mix" at walmart and ready to have a feast! BUT, NO we don't have any fish not even one! It was a terrible night on the water!!! NO we don't! WOW said the man on shore, I'll tell you what...go back out over there exactly where you were fishing and cast your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’” I can see the fish from here, said the man! Peter looked at his brother Andrew and said, yea right...who is this guy and he must be on drugs or sumpthin! Andrew thinks he may know this guy, or at least seen him around and told Peter...what we got to lose?

Ok ok but I'm tired cast then I'm done! “When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.” James hollered out "HOLY COW"! WHO was that guy? And when they caught this incredible amount of fish—immediately Peters eyes fixed on the man on the beach! Oh I know who HE is and could hardly speak...HE IS THE CHRIST son of the living God! They knew that the Lord was with them—They knew that it was the Lord Who had advised them where to cast their net. They begin to rejoice and celebrate and Peter kept looking at the man. Are you looking at the man today? The man on the beach, the man who can command the fish to swim into the net? His name is Jesus, oh what a wonderful name, no name like that name. The disciples rejoiced because after having obeyed the Lord—they reaped a great harvest. They had caught nothing on their own, and it was in this that they were to learn a much needed lesson: self-sufficiency is inadequate.

They must learn to depend on the Lord…if they are going to fulfill his purpose and their calling in this life. And the same goes for us. We can have services, fellowship, youth gatherings, youth camp…etc….but without people we have nothing, you may say I am afraid to go to church! I can worship here at no no no....satan has talked you right into not gathering with your brother and sisters, whats next? Amazing how God has told us to build a youth center….he didn’t give us the youth first then tell us to build it…but he said build it and it will come. The disciples, expert fishermen, fishing all night—depending only on their own skills and human wisdom—but catching nothing! Until…until…the Word of God came to them and they obeyed! A Pastor told me one time. “There is no excuse for a church—any church to die, though many are.” I agreed. As long as a congregation obeys (to the very best of their ability) the Gospel God will use His Word to save souls—to bring up new disciples, and continue the nourishing of those who have been Christians for many years. God declares through the Prophet Isaiah: “…my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

I like what brother Joshua Sears or maybe his dad Walter saidd it best. WE ALL are ministers and the purpose of God’s Word is to save souls, to teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness, “so that the” person “of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” So there is no excuse for a church to die unless, of course, the congregation is no longer listening to and obeying God’s Word. Or maybe the preacher isn’t preaching God’s Word where you attend but I assure you Pastor Joseph McGill is preaching the WORD as it is written! It's time to become fishers of men. So I ask you today, when is the last time you caught a fish? With Jesus you will and without him, you won't.>>>PT


A Sinner in God’s Courtroom


To Serve God…