The Bread of God…

Bread, John 6:34-40, Jesus, The Bread of Life. In John chapter 6 we see that many in the crowds who followed Jesus seemed to be experts at “missing the point.” They had witnessed his miraculous feeding of the 5,000 with five small loaves and two small fish and all they seemed to be able to do is make a physical connection.

They wanted Jesus to continue to meet their physical need for food. In fact in (v. 30) they say that “if” he will provide a suitable “sign” they will believe that He is the Messiah. This suitable sign in their minds was for Jesus to once again provide manna from Heaven as they believe Moses did for the Children of Israel in the wilderness. They believed this because they had been taught by the Rabbis that the coming Messiah would again give them manna.

Therefore the people were challenging Jesus to produce the bread of God (the manna) in order to prove His claim to be the Messiah. Jesus corrected their thinking (vv. 32-33) by pointing out errors in their thinking. First, He dealt with their error in believing that it was Moses that provided the manna, it was not Moses but God who provided the Manna. But perhaps most important of all that Jesus told them was that the manna was not really the bread of God it was only the symbol of the bread of God (v. 33).

The bread of God was a person, and that person gives life to the world and that person was Jesus! The crowd may not have understood everything that Jesus was saying, but they understood at least part of it. The bread they wanted did not come for Moses, it came from God. They also understood that to some extent that He was talking about something beyond the mere physical. So they said to the Lord in verse thirty-four, “Lord, give us this bread always.” •Jesus Is The Source Of Life. •Jesus Is The Sustainer Of Life. •Jesus, The Satisfaction In Life. "The Living Bread” John 6:34-40 and in (v. 35) “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” WOW..what a promise!

There are very few things in life that excites me but Salvation ..wooooo hoooooo now that gets my blood to pumping!


A Marriage Made in Heaven…